Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hello from London!

Well, I think it is high time I update you on my new life in London and how things have been going so far! I hope it won't be too boring for you!

I arrived at Heathrow on Sunday at noon (almost exactly) and customs honestly could not have been easier. I had tons of documents prepared, just in case--specifically the documents I used to get my visa--but they never asked to see any of it. I gave them my passport with my visa inside and in a matter of a few enjoyable minutes (turned out the young man at the next station was also going to LSE and we all got a kick out of that) I was officially in Britain! I got my bags and this young man, Thomas, and I shared a cab to my house (we decided that the tube would be too much work with all of our bags).

Moving into my room was a bit of a confusing adventure. Unlike at F&M where you are bombarded with people who want to help you in any way they can, here they were more than willing to help if you ask, but you have to ask. For example, they gave me my room key and I had to ask how to get to my room. I'm sure these little details are second nature to people who are usually here and so they don't even think to mention them. When I got up there, I found that my roommate had already been in, but was out at the time so I tried to settle in. My room is more than adequate, but not amazing and has the smallest en suite bathroom I have ever seen in my entire life (the toilet and shower overlap a bit). Basically, think of an airplane restroom and put in a shower and that's my bathroom! BUT, I do have an en suite bathroom so I count my blessings. After a while, my roommate came in which sent me into a bit of a panic because after some introductions, she explained that her relative also lives in Northumberland House (my house) and they want to room together. In other words, they wanted me to move and they thought we should do it then before we all got settled. Given my sleep deprived state, this information and impending decision almost sent me over the edge. Turns out that we can't switch for two weeks so I will be in my current room for just a bit and then I will switch. My current--and actually my future roommate as well--are from China and they are both very nice.

Monday, I made my way to the LSE for the first time. I have to say, London is a bit overwhelming, but I'm getting used to it. I went to what they called inductions for the European Institute (my department) which was really sort of an info session. It was rather helpful and nice to see the teachers (technically I don't think they are all professors) and other students in my department. After that I took a marginally useful campus tour led by a young man who was clearly less than qualified to lead such a tour. Finally, I had to go to the Postgraduate School Orientation Presentation which was again, marginally helpful.

Today, the real fun began...I became an officially registered LSE student!! And it took all of about five minutes! Before I registered with my department a bit later, I went to a sort of club fair. They all bombard you with info and then, if you agree to join, they give you a sticker to take to another area and then pay for everything you have just joined. I was trying to be careful not to sign up for much because 1) I didn't want to pay for it and 2) I don't want to get over committed. However, I did join the music society (they have an orchestra, but it doesn't sound like they have an instrument for me to borrow). I also think I may have cheated a bit, but I joined the student groups of all three major political parties in Britain! They all have fun events and speakers and I want to learn more about all of them so I joined! :) I doubt they see too many people do that.

So those are the major things that have happened in my life the past few days. I'm still trying to adjust to the time change--I have been waking up at 4:30 am on the dot and have been wide awake for about two hours. I hope that ends shortly! The other major ongoing drama in my life is internet trouble. In our rooms we have to connect to the internet with an ethernet cord because there is no wifi there, but my ethernet occasionally and suddenly decides that it just doesn't feel like allowing me to access my email or skype with my parents or do anything whatsoever involving the internet. This bad-tempered behavior will last anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours and is really starting to annoy! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anyone who can help me. The house is supposed to have some one from IT in the building at least part of the time, but he hasn't shown up. The best advice I have gotten is to keep bugging IT about it until someone helps me. The most amusing advice I received, on the other hand, was to email someone about my internet connectivity issues--the person giving the advice evidently did not see the irony.

Well, I think I have bored you all quite enough. I hope this post wasn't too disjointed or hard to follow. I wanted to get all the important points in without dragging on forever (which I'm afraid I did anyway). I'll try to update again in a few days. If there is anything you particularly want to know more about, just let me know. I'm hoping to continue my list of "Britishisms" that I began in Bath.



  1. Go Mom! I'm going to enjoy reading these! Btw, can you please pick up an accent??! Also, wanna skype the FOTS 'n POD sometime soon?
    Miss ya terribly!

  2. Hi Lil' One! It's great to hear from you and I'm glad you are liking my blog! I'm working on the accent, but in the meantime, I have already started thinking in a British accent so that is a start! I would love to skype, but keep in mind that I am five hours ahead so we probably couldn't do it at dinner time your time (yes, I go to bed freakishly early for a student although that may change once classes start...). Love ya and miss ya!

  3. Ab, you should do a weekly vocab lesson on all the Britishisms you learn and pick up!! I can't wait to hear them :) Also, what does your schedule look like for October 29 - November 6? I might just be in town :)

  4. Thanks for the tip Sam! I will try to do some vocab updates, but my problem is when I sit down to write the blog I suddenly forget ones that I have heard over the course of the week! I'll work on that though! Also, I have no idea what my schedule will look like, but come visit me!!!! :)
