Thursday, January 17, 2013

This is why we have rules!

Dear All,

I know it has been much too long since I posted and I owe you a wonderful long explanation of all the great things I've done since I went to Scotland. And I promise I will give you that post...but not tonight. Tonight I just have to share what happened to me today and then this weekend, when I have more time I will do a more thorough update.

Today was really just a wonderful day! For one thing, it started out sunny which is worth mentioning simply because it was a nice change from the recent overcast January weather. For another, it is Thursday, and this term, I don't have class on Thursdays. So I woke up in a good mood and things just got better from there.

When I checked my email, I had one from the editor of the journal that accepted an article I wrote for publication (I think I told you about this a few months ago). Anyway, the issue has gone to print so in a mere week or two, I will officially be a published author! It will take a while longer for the issue to be posted online, but I'll let you know when it is. They are sending two copies of the issue to my parents (no sense tempting fate by trusting the Royal Mail with that special cargo!) and one to the government department at F&M. So I'm really excited about that!

Then I got a bit of homework done before chatting on Facebook with my friend Sam. We hadn't talked (or instant messaged) in a while so it was great to catch up. After that, I tried to do more work, but didn't get very far. I was too excited because I had decided I would go to the afternoon showing of Les Miserables in Leicester Square (the location will matter in a minute)! See, it didn't come out in London until last Friday and since I was gone all last weekend (more on that in future post) and then classes started on Monday, I hadn't had a chance to see it.

I was so excited. I may have been nearly this excited to see the Harry Potter movies, but I really do think that I was even more excited about Les Mis!  And it did not disappoint! Sure, Russell Crowe as Javert wasn't great, but I was expecting that and to be honest, there were times when he was better than I expected. Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean was great (although if anything, not quite as good as I expected-he sounded a bit horse at times). Then there was the younger cohort. While I have always been partial to the character of Enjoras, he wasn't as good as I hoped, but the big surprise was how much I liked Marius! I have never liked the character of Marius that much (maybe becuase I identify a bit with Eponine) but Eddie Redmayne really brought Marius out for me! His voice was amazing. By the end, I was nearly as in love with him as Cossette and Eponine (and really, who can blame them?)!

But for me, the show stoppers were Anne Hathaway as Fantine and Samantha Barks as Eponine! I knew I would like Samantha Barks as I had seen her as Eponine in the 25th Anniversary Concert of Les Mis (if you haven't seen it, you should) and she was just as good as expected. And let me tell you, Anne Hathaway deserves that Golden Globe and more! She was amazing. Her performance was right on. Wow.

I've seen Les Mis a number of times now (in the theater in Seattle and London and of course, the 25th Anniversary Concert). I fell in love with the show the first time I saw it (and that time, I could barely see the stage and follow the story so it has only improved with time and more viewings)! I was worried, that like Harry Potter, I would be upset whenever the movie deviated from the play (or in the case of Harry Potter, the books). But thankfully, I was able to let go of that and just enjoy it! I didn't mind when they adjusted the words, or changed the order of the songs, or added a song! I noticed, but didn't mind! I think I was able to let it go because I realized two things. First, they were really doing a movie of a cross between the book and the play so of course new things were involved. And second, I realized that with the play, the story has to be told through the songs. But the movie, while obviously a musical, doesn't have to rely as much on just the songs to tell the story-the story can be told in a different way. And combining the music with the intense visual components of the movie that you can't see on stage was brilliant. Further, while I don't believe I have ever cried at the play, despite the very emotional story, by the end of the movie I was sobbing! It was just wonderful. I even got to see it in the very theater in which it premiered (although why it premiered in London and then didn't come out here until weeks after it came out in the States is beyond me).

So you may think, wow Abbey, you had a pretty great day. Why yes I did, but it gets even better! This next part is what I would consider the cherry on top of a great day. And to be honest, this is the reason I am writing the post, but it was just such a cool ending to the day! What you have to understand is that Leicester Square is just full of theaters. A number of world premieres happen here (most recently Skyfall and of course, Les Mis). When I got there for Les Mis, I was early so I decided to wonder around the square a bit. I saw them setting up for the premiere of the new movie Flight, starring Denzel Washington, at another theater. It did occur to me that I could end up being near where Denzel Washington was, but that was about the end of it before I went and got immersed in Les Mis. Well, when I came out of the movie, the premiere was in full swing and there were lots of people there. So I went over and then decided I wasn't going to stay (I was only wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and it was cold-I had no desire to freeze trying to see someone I probably wouldn't see anyway). But as I was walking away, I changed my mind and went back. After I stood there for about five minutes, I was freezing, but at this point, pretty invested in standing there until I saw someone that would make the cold worth it.

And within about 20 minutes my patience was rewarded...I got to see Denzel Washington!!! I wasn't as close to him as I was to the Queen in November, but I had a pretty clear view (through a fence)! BUT, I made the terrible mistake of breaking my own rule...never, ever leave the house in London without a camera!! Well, let me tell you, I won't be making that mistake again! I should know better. As the title of this post says, THIS is why we have rules! Luckily, I befriended someone next to me (who happened to be from Seattle). I was taller than her so I helped her get a picture of Denzel. Afterwards, I gave her my email address, so hopefully, in about a week when she gets home, I will have the picture that I took (albeit with someone else's camera) of Denzel! It also turns out that one of my friends here in London was there, so I may try to get a copy of his picture. I can't believe I didn't have my camera!!

Anyway, thanks for letting me share with you all! It is wonderful to be able to share my thoughts with you. There are a lot of days in London that are rather lonely. A lot of days that are stressful and filled with class and readings and essays and grad school stuff. My life here is not perfect. But some days make all the other ones worth it! Days like today. I know I'm here to learn, and believe me, I am doing that! But I'm also having more fun than I ever expected along the way!

Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. I love this :) your posts make me so happy! Talking to you yesterday was beyond great <3
