Wednesday, June 9, 2010

English accents, royals, and bunnies...

Hi everyone! So, I've realized that I really can't give you all a blow by blow of I'm going to stop trying (I think). Thanks for sticking with me as I try to figure out how I want to do this! Anyway, I thought it was time to give you all an update as I have had three days of classes now.

My Jane Austen in Bath class meets every weekday except Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. People say the tutor, Dr. Fallon, (they're not actually called professors over here unless they are really senior members of the staff) is really cute--I don't disagree exactly, but I don't think he is my Mr. Darcy, if you know what I mean. (And please don't take that the wrong way! I'm just telling you what's going on around here!) But I definitely love his accent! Did you know that Jane Austen's books sound infinitely better if read aloud by a man with an English accent? Because they do! Actually, everything sounds better with an English accent! Anyway, I think that it will be a fair amount of work, but I'm really excited about it! I am really enjoying reading Jane Austen. Plus, yesterday and today, we walked around Bath getting a tour (by the tutor) of sites related to Jane Austen and that is really fun (even if I do look like a complete tourist taking all kinds of pictures)! Yesterday we followed the footsteps of Catherine Morland from Northanger Abbey and today we went "house hunting with Jane Austen."

My British Politics class meets every weekday (except Friday) from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. I have a really nice break between my classes, as you can see! I, of course, really like Professor Schousen (you don't take a whole bunch of classes with someone you don't like). Plus the class is smaller and more relaxed--more of us know the professor and are willing to talk in class. Don't get me wrong--both of my classes are fairly laidback in style, but the students are more relaxed in Professor Schousen's class so far. Oh, and the first day, I was absolutely amazed because Professor Schousen, who at F&M is always wearing a nice shirt, tie, and jacket, was wearing jeans and sandals!! It was really cool! Because we are trying to keep up with events, we have to read a newspaper everyday and we end up talking a lot about football (soccer for you Americans who don't understand!).

Yesterday was quite the stressful day at times! I lost the stone to my class ring (that I wear like everyday) and had given up on finding it when I found it IN the kitchen sink!! It hadn't gone down the drain!! I was really amazed and it is now safely put away where it can't escape! My house also tried to go grocery shopping yesterday which was quite stressful--actually the worst shopping trip of my entire life! But in the evening I had a lot of fun laughing about English slang words that I learned from the newspaper!

Speaking of slang, I've been wanting to make a list of the words/phrases I have learned so far (to be updated with future posts):

Er = um (actually this is more from Harry Potter than anything)
Bog = really slang term for bathroom
Football = soccer
nip in = go in
Loo = another slang for bathroom

I'm also saying things like 'quite' and 'rather' a bit!

Oh, I almost forgot--I almost saw the prince today!! So Prince Charles apparently opened a new store (his store) in Bath today on Milsom Street (very high class). I was up that way around 10:30 AM with some friends, but I didn't know he was around so I didn't bother to go up and check things out (we were a bit pressed for time, you know). When I got back to the study center, I found out that Prince Charles was in town, but by then it was time for my Jane Austen class (it was late today because of train issues). After class (around 1 pm) my friends and I went up to Milsom street in a grand quest for the Prince. Alas, although we found his shop, he was already gone! But upon returning to the study center, I found that he had been there around 10:30 this morning!!!! SO CLOSE!!! Anyway, I breathed the same air that he did in his shop so that totally counts...right? Still, I had to try, because he is royal after-all.

Anyway, this evening we went on a comedy tour of Bath called Bizarre Bath. It was hilarious! My face hurts from laughing! To give a few quick highlights (I'm rather tired you know), there was a stuffed bunny that 'escaped' from a chain and a bag that was sinking to the bottom of a river (quite traumatizing really, to watch Stuart sink like that), and a ring that was miraculously delivered by the 'same' bunny after it (the ring) had apparently floated away with a balloon. At the end, I bought a Stuart Junior as a souvenir-well worth it! (Sorry about the brief description, but I really want to get this posted tonight and frankly, I can't really explain everything that happened on that walk.)

Before I go though, I have been quite remiss in not providing you all with an address to which you can post things to me (still having fun with the accent). If you want to mail anything to me (which is of course greatly appreciated and definitely not required in order for us to remain friends) please send it to this address:

Abbey Heller
c/o Advanced Studies in England
Nelson House
2 Pierrepont Street
Bath BA1 1LB

Love you all! Cheers!


  1. Dear Abbey,
    I'm sorry to hear that you cannot update daily. Maybe just every 3rd day or so. I'm glad to hear that you are having a good time. I miss you and I love seeing all of your pictures. What a beautiful place. Your post today totally answered my questions about your Profs or tutors. I'm glad you are having a good time. Lots of love, Kariann

  2. Hey Abbey,

    I can hear your jolly-good accent coming thru already and yes rather hipnotic spoken from any male! Your photos are amazing and I just love reading about your adventures. Don't forget to look for your momento baubles, i.e. earring beads!


